Friday, October 20, 2017

Are You Asking Me if I Heard This Powerful/Influential/Rich/Beloved/Well-Connected Man Demand Oral Sex From a Woman in Exchange for Employment? That’s Tricky.

Have other people publicly said they heard him do it?
How many?
Wow! That many, huh?
How many of the people who said they’ve heard him do it are male?
None of them are male?!
Ooooohhh… (thinking)
Of these people who said they’ve heard him do it, how many would you describe as being “Seinfeld fans” and how many would you describe as being “Tyler Perry fans?”
Oy. You’re killing me here.
Did we ever settle the whole “Does oral sex count as sex?” debate?
We did?
Are you sure?
Could I post a tweet with a hashtag to a pre-existing conversation on this topic that I could easily delete at a later time if I felt pressured to do so, or do you want me to actually say it in front of an audience while I’m being taped?
Or better yet, what if I gave a newspaper interview and then the next day say my comments were taken out of context?
No good?
Could this powerful/influential/rich/beloved/well-connected man see to it that I don’t work again if I speak out?
OR would I actually better my chances of getting my own TV show by saying something?
Of the people who said they’ve heard him do it, how many of them are still working?
Wow! That few, huh?
Could I wait until I have a daughter so people can appreciate why this subject particularly bothers me?
Uggghhh! This is so hard! (wringing hands and looking at the sky)
I don’t know. Ask me again in 10 years.

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